A Story

I want to tell you a story.  The facts of the story might be new, but the underlying theme is one all parents know.

A few weeks ago, C had a meeting and wouldn't be home until late.  I hadn't slept well the night before and the work day was extremely hectic, so by the time I drove home to get the boys, I was tired and a headache was setting in.  They had a snack and played while I made a quick dinner.  Then I told them I was going to take a little nap while they ate.  I settled in on the couch and closed my eyes.  I could hear them chatting quietly to one another over their food.  They finished watching a show, and then turned off the TV and started on their homework on their own.  I overhead BB ask DD if he needed help with anything. As I was resting on the couch with my eyes closed listening to my sons, I was overcome with utter pride and joy.  DD read his reading book aloud to himself, while BB practiced his multiplication tables. DD then turned to his math facts while BB completed his word problems.  By the end of the evening, all of their homework was completed and packed away with no help from me at all.

So many emotions for me - not only was I so impressed with them completing their homework on their own, I loved that BB offered to assist his little brother.  I loved that my boys are so considerate that they quietly went about their responsibilities without disturbing me.  I loved that they have the discipline to do these things without me enforcing it every step of the way.  I loved that they are so engaged in school that they were able to do their homework without supervision.  And I distressed at the fact that this was just another step away from me; one more way that they are becoming self-sufficient.  This probably is the height of a parent's selfishness but I cannot help to feel this way sometimes.

So that is the story I wanted to share today.


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