Modern Movie Homes

I have a subset of movies that I enjoy watching, mostly because of the houses featured in them.  Now you know that I'm a modern girl and since moving to our new neighborhood, I've had fun discovering all of the modern homes tucked away on wooded lots.  For those of you who are interested, here is a list of my favorite modern homes featured in movies:

  • Twilight: The Cullen residence featured in Twilight is my all time favorite.  The organic exterior and clean-lines of the interior work perfectly together.  I could watch this movie over and over just for the house scenes.  It was filmed at the Hoke Residence, and in later movies of this series, they used a different modern house, which was also lovely but Twilight was my favorite.  I couldn't have been more ecstatic when a friend said that our new house reminded her of the "Twilight House."
  • One Hour Photo: Oh, how I loved this modernist family home.  Lots of wood made and interior shots throughout the film made it in my favorite until Twilight came along.  
  • Ferris Bueller's Day Off: Ferris' friend Cameron lived a modern, glass home, which in real life is located in the suburbs of Chicago.  I haven't bothered to look up the architect, but it's very much in the style of Philip Johnson and Mies van der Rohe.  It was my first real glimpse at a modern home and I was smitten immediately.
  • The Anniversary Party:  I've loved this very "LA" house since first watching the movie.  And I love that you get to see much of the interior and furniture throughout the movie.  The house is actually the Schaarman House, designed by none other than Richard Neutra himself.


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