What Happened to Spring?

The calendar says April but it's feeling like summer in D.C. today with temperatures approaching 90!  I know I was hoping for warmer weather but this is too much too fast for me.  I'll focus instead on our last outing of Spring Break 2013 where temperatures were still cool enough to require a jacket.  It was just me and the boys by that Monday.  We spent the morning watching a movie in bed before we even headed downstairs for breakfast and my coffee.  There was more lounging about the house in our pajamas while I cooked lunch.  And then finally we were all motivated to go out to enjoy the sunshine.  I suddenly remembered Turkey Run Park, an exit I've seen countless times off the Parkway, but had never been.  We took the first trail we saw which had a steep drop straight down to the Potomac.

As with all good things, everything about Spring Break seems like a lifetime ago.


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