Working Our Way Back to the Normal

After a summer like we had, it's hard to go back to the normal routine of the school year.  The boys have transitioned beautifully to new teachers and new classrooms, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit that our schedules are pretty tight.  At least the initial bustle of back to school shopping is behind us now, and for the first time, BB had a list of school supplies we had to buy.  It was great fun gathering all of the items, which included fun things like colored pencils, oil pastels, and a compass.

I haven't been inspired to do bring out the camera in recent weeks.  I notice that when work is demanding, my creativity deflates.  This weekend we had every intent to the make it to the National Book Festival but never made it because we were romping in the Air & Space Musuem and then went to the National Gallery for lunch and to buy some books.  In the evening, C and I went to a cocktail party, and then on Sunday, C took the boys to the Big Apple Circus.  It was a packed weekend and we were driving home in the dark on Sunday.


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