You're 12, BB!

We're busy celebrating our BB's birthday this weekend!  Our first born turned 12 on Saturday.  Where did the time go?  C and I were reminiscing about the day he was born...and all the countless moments of utter joy he has brought to our lives since that day.  For those who know him, you know that BB is nothing but gentleness and kindness.  He is generous, smart, handsome, strong, quietly competitive, and ambitious.  BB is like no other person I've ever met.  And as his proud, proud mama, I make sure to tread lightly when parenting him because he's pretty much perfection the way he is.  We love you so much, BB.  You changed my life and I'm grateful to be your mama every day!

He had his birthday party on his actual birthday (more on that later) but we're celebrating at home as well.  Meanwhile he's got a big project to finish for school and his first violin recital.  Busy!


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