To the Mountains: Escaping the Heat

Happy first day of May.  Can you believe where we are in this "new" year already?  It's almost half way over and I feel like I'm still getting used to writing "2017."  

It was a scorcher on Saturday.  We all wanted to get out to nature and the great outdoors - the best antidote for vacation withdrawals.  We did not, however, want to deal with the heat and humidity so we decided to drive out to the mountains.  It was glorious up there - we were cooled by the water, the breeze, and the shade of thousands of trees.  The elevation meant that it was at least 10 degrees cooler than at home.

The boys were busy discovering salamanders and ant colonies so the hike probably took twice as long as it normally does.  Also, about half way through, C and I decided that I would hike back down and meet them at the waterfall with the car so save the hike back out.  So I spent the rest of the time on my own. 

It was a great escape for us.  And in the evening, we all went to get ice cream and watch Boss Baby.  I was dreading this movie but it was actually very entertaining.  


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