Spring Cleaning (But Snow!)

Another weekend behind us.  It was my birthday, and sadly, it was a cold one.  BB and DD had a half day of school on Friday, which meant playdates.  We stayed indoors most of the time, running errands and visiting restaurants to avoid the cold weather.  The house is restocked with our favorite foods and needed supplies.

Everyone is over this snowless winter and we are enthusiastically enjoying the mildness but... the weather is calling for possible snow this weekend.  I've decided that no matter the weather, we will get out for a hike.  And we'll continue with our spring cleaning efforts around here.  Usually in the dead of winter, I get the itch to clean, purge, organize, and decorate.  On my list for this weekend:

Library:  installing the new bookshelves; purging books; organizing remaining books; picking art work.

Closet purge:  We just finished a major purge a few months ago, but we could go for another round now that winter is close to being over.

Linen closets:  There needs to be some major organizing in our linen closets but I'm going to start with a purge and save organizing for another time.

The key for me in setting out to-do list items is not to make them too overwhelming.  The actual list of to-dos is long but rather than put that all out at once, breaking things into manageable chunks is much less daunting and much more realistic.  Even accomplishing just those 3 tasks is going to be a challenge in between our errands, play time, and routine chores.  


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