Camping This Year

For Labor Day weekend, the original plan was to go to NYC again. But for a variety of reasons, including the fact that the weather was predicting rain all of Sunday up there, C took the boys camping last minute.  Somehow they missed their Spring camping trip and there have been requests periodically all Summer.  C planned everything in a few hours Friday night and off they went Saturday morning, leaving me in the house alone.

It's always such a quiet but jarring experience to be in the house alone for that long.  Usually I spend an afternoon with friends when the 3 men in the house go camping but since this was last minute, I spent it roaming the house and catching up on laundry and other housework.  The weather was glorious and I opened up the windows to air out the house and everything smelled sweet.

On Sunday everyone returned and had stories to tell.  They fished but caught no fish; the steaks were a success; the potatoes took too long; a large stick bug was found; marshmallows were toasted.


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