Our Evenings

The other day the rain came with lightening and thunder.  That shut down the pool, which left us lots of time to play.  With the longer days, no homework, and generally more relaxed schedule, the kids have been doing things they usually don't have much time to do.

After the storm, we cracked open two super soakers they got as gifts, filled them up, and let them attack one another.  In the end, they were aiming at insects and blades of grass.  Speaking of insects, we found this baby praying mantis in the yard.
What else have we been doing after dinner?  
- sprinklers/hose
- bouncy castle (they still love that thing)
- large cardboard box - the boys decorate it and pretend play
- playing with neighbor's dog
- chalk
- bubbles (still!)
- pop its
- watching cooking shows and Battlebots
- making smoothies and shave ice


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