Time Marches On

And just like that, my favorite time of the year has arrived.  That means we're all another year older, another year changed.  BB has taken up the violin, DD has lost another tooth.  (Actually, as of last night, he lost both front teeth.  See?  I can't even keep up).  He's also taken up wearing suits to school. No, I'm kidding.  He had a special concert he was attending at the Strathmore so he dressed up that day.  The boys are changing every day.  C and I struggle to keep up.  

Progress on the house will hopefully pick up again soon.  Modern wisdom says that you should plan to have a dinner party or get together for your house so that you can have a firm deadline by which to get things in shape.  That's not a bad idea.

Another change to get accustom to is the weather.  Overnight it feels like it became Winter.  The warm, gentle Fall we've had is slipping through my fingers.  I'm suddenly mourning all the foliage watching we didn't do.  Another reminder to live life as it happens.


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