Beach Day

The desire to travel is still burning strong in me.  I had planned to go away for the Memorial Day weekend, but at the last minute decided against it due to potential traffic and schedules.  I still wanted to be able to take BB and DD to the water though so late on Saturday we finally got it together and headed over to the Chesapeake Bay.  It was a long drive and I wasn't sure what we'd find.
The day ended up being fantastic.  The weather was perfection, the tidal pools and Bay itself were warm, the beach wasn't crowded, and the boys found all sorts of beach wood, shells, and animals to keep busy for hours.  By the time we left, everyone was hungry.  We found an Outback Steakhouse on the way.  After a huge dinner, we came upon a Ritas too.  The four of us enjoyed our ices and frozen custards while the sun set.


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