Our Winter Days

It's the second week of the New Year and I'm trying to make sure the blahs of Winter don't set in. There were years in there where I really disliked Winter, but the last several years I've come to embrace it.  Here are some of things we've been doing:

Preparing foods.  I'm concentrating on spending my time looking for and trying new recipes.  It's a great time of year to cook and bake.  

Live plants.  I mentioned it in a previous post but I'm also looking to add more greenery in the house.  Having live plants gracing little corners of the house makes me happy these days.

Adding layers.  Speaking of the house, I've added some new blankets on the sofas and chairs to make things more cozy, more layered. 

Hot drinks.  I'm brewing mugs of tea nightly and am looking forward to trying out some different brands and flavors this Winter.  Another thing to try this Winter is to get your daily water intake by drinking hot water with lemon.

Warm slippers.  Another thing that has made me happy are my new slippers by Sorel. The boiled wool and shearling are so cozy and feel wonderful on my feet.  I make sure to slip into them the minute I get home.  

Slather on the lotion.  I have really dry hands during this time of year so I've been experimenting with both high end and drugstore lotions, some of which feel really luxurious and smell wonderful.  

Physical activity.  We're making sure the kids get enough physical activity despite the short days and cold temperatures.  As long as it's in the 30s, we go for nature walks.  The boys are also swimming, taking ice skating, and starting up martial arts again.

Playing games.  Instead of bemoaning the extra indoor time, the kids and I are playing more board games.  We got some great new ones for Christmas and it's fun to pop some popcorn and spread out on the floor for family time.  Several puzzles are sitting in my Amazon cart right now ready to join our home.  C just bought Catan Junior too.

Books, movies, media.  C and I really are tucking into Netflix and Amazon Prime, trying to find great independent films and documentaries we've missed over the years.  Like many of you, we both finished listening to Serial.  This has spawned an interest in the true crime genre.  We just finished watching The Staircase, a documentary series.  Meanwhile, I'm anxiously awaiting the return of my beloved Mad Men and Game of Thrones.  I'm also hunting down new reads for me and the kids and considering a subscription to something like Audible. Sometimes I feel guilty about all the money we spend on books and media, but it really is pleasurable to spend time reading, watching or listening to to a great story, fiction or non-fiction.

* Making plans.  And finally, when you need an escape from the cold, take one.  We're planning our Spring and Summer trips now, laying out the calendar week-by-week.  I'm putting the final details on BB and DD's summer camps now too.  Yes, these are things that must be planned in January!


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