He's 2.

Our baby is 2 years old.  Looking at him in these photos of his party you would think I could see him for the little boy that he has become but I still see him as my baby.  Part of it is of course the fact that he is the youngest and most likely our last child.  But part of it is also his looks.  Unlike BB who was very thin at this point, DD in comparison is still chubby.  He has full cheeks and his arms and legs are still meaty like a baby.  But the fact is he is 2 and officially a toddler. 

We had a small party at our house with good friends.  It was a beautiful weather day so after food and cake, we invaded the playground near our house and had a good time letting the kids run around silly.  On DD's actual birthday this past week we had a small family celebration with some noodles (a birthday must) and gifts. 

In addition to that Thomas cake you see, I made 2 dozen homemade cupcakes.  We're all caked-out in our household.  We're also all a bit sick - a nasty cold plus cough that started with BB, went to C and DD, and then to me.  Nothing debilitating but I could do without it.


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