Home Bound

Yesterday's all day storm cancelled school again today.  C and I are working from home while making sure BB and DD are entertained.  The house gets messy from living when we're all home for much of the day.  At the same time, I can get a lot of cleaning and organizing done as well.  It's just pure pleasure spending time in our home.  There is a ton of natural light.  And because our house is set on a hill, the view out the back is fantastic.  Right now all of the trees are laced with white icing.

There is still much organizing and decorating to get done though.  In one corner of our living room, we needed a credenza to hide all our audio components for the entire house.  We finally found one we liked and it's all set up now.  I ordered the pulls for it today (it doesn't have pulls but we want to add them ourselves).  I've been playing with what to place on top and I'm also hoping to buy a large piece of art to hang above.


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