Our Library

In the "new" house (it's been over a year!) there is a nice space in the upper landing area.  The entire wall on one side of this area is a window, so lots of natural light.  On another wall, we set up a large bookshelf and unpacked most of BB and DD's books the first week we moved in.  From then on, it has become the de facto library.  And I love the idea of having a dedicated library in the house. Sadly, I haven't done much with the space since moving in.  I laid down a rug and recently put two upholstered chairs in there to cozy things up.  There is already great overhead lighting in the space.  I think some artwork, an ottoman, and a reading lamp is all we need.  The rest of the work that needs to be done is organizing the books.  Currently, I have a loose organizational method, but it becomes disorganized very quickly as the boys pull down books they are interested in.  In the course of a week, you've got a hot mess.

Having a dedicated library in the home is definitely a luxury, especially if space is at a premium. Also, with anything and everything being just a Google-away, and the efficiency of e-books, how many books does a modern home have these days?  I can tell you though that our little childrens' library gets used daily.  Whether they are looking for reference books that we have purchased for research, or finding their favorite books for bedtime, I'm so pleased to have this quiet, bright space just for holding and enjoying books.

P.S. I discovered a new book on microbes, BB's continuing interest, at the bookstore the other day.  Written by Nicola Davies, Tiny Creatures: The World of Microbes, is geared towards the younger set and would make a great introduction to the subject.


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