Summer Vacation | Week 11

The weekend was spent catching up with C and the boys.  I'm a bit under the weather so everything moved a bit slower.  On Saturday, we had tickets to see If You Give a Moose a Muffin at Adventure Theatre in the afternoon.  The show and a ride on the Glen Echo carousel was the perfect way to hide from the heat.  We also had friends visiting from out of town which gave us an excuse for a fun double date night at District Commons.  We spent Sunday at my parents' house where the boys threw water balloons, swam in the pool, drove their car, conducted their Diet Coke + Mentos experiments, and made bread dough.

Our out-of-town friend brought a bunch of gifts for the boys, one of which was an Etch-a-Sketch for each of them.  DD immediately went to touch the "screen" to see what it could do.  I explained that it didn't work like that, that he had to turn the knobs to make it work.  After a few moments he declared the Etch-a-Sketch "an old fashioned iPad" and then asked what other games were inside of it. 

Later when we were taking a walk, a white butterfly flew by.  DD said "I just saw a white butterfly.  I smelled him and he smelled like minty toothpaste." 


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