It's Showtime!

Last Friday was opening night of The Cat in the Hat at the Adventure Theatre, which is also their Pajama Party.  We had to skip karate in order to make it to 7PM show on time but the boys didn't seem to mind.  They wore their pajamas and enjoyed every minute of it.  If you have a chance, I would highly recommend this production.  The actor who plays The Cat (Rick Hammerley) is hilarious.  As always, the set design really mesmerized BB and DD and they were on the edge of their seats for the entire show.  The next day we went to the bookstore and I found them like this.  Want a rundown of some of the shows we've seen at Adventure Theatre in the past?  Check them out here.

This weekend we have tickets to see Peter Pan and Wendy at the Imagination Stage, another production I'm really looking forward to.


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