Snow. Snow. SNOW!

For those of you not in the DC metro area, if you haven't heard already, we are in a serious SNOWSTORM.  It's actually blizzard conditions in the City right now.  Remember the crazy storm back in December?  That was fun.  Then last week starting on Friday we had our second major storm which gave us between 2-3 feet of snow.  A short reprieve and then yesterday a follow on storm that is going on right now.  Needless to say, school has been canceled, offices are closed.  I'm in my 2 week rest period but instead of running all of my errands, I'm snowed in.  So I'm doing a lot of cooking (Osso Bucco today for lunch!), some blogging, and trying to think of indoor projects for the boys.

The top photo is our first day out with the new sleds.  I had the presence of mind to buy sleds at the beginning of the season and it looks like we've hit the jackpot!  The front one is actually for DD -- it has a seat with a back and is much more stable than the purple saucer meant for older kids.  But DD insisted on sitting on the purple saucer.  He does NOT hold on, but rather balances himself somehow.  The snow was pristine, fluffy and deep so we just walked them in the street.  The top photo is us on 19th Street.  We went out later in the afternoon and ran into a reporter from ABC Local 7.  The boys were getting a lot of attention on the sleds and the reporter also wanted to get footage.  Apparently we were on TV but we missed the airing.  Our nanny saw it though and was really excited.  The second photo is of the Boys after building a fort in front of our house.  Exhausted from all the sledding and trying to walk in the knee-high snow for us (thigh-high to them!).  I've also included a short video we shot of them sledding.  It's truly too cute to miss.  What you don't get from the video is the crazy ride they both endured, especially DD.  The purple saucer would go sideways and backwards every time we hit a bump and DD would just smile and say "woah, woah" in his little baby voice.  Too adorable.  How are you enjoying the snow?


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