Getting a Handle on Craft Supplies

The cold cold weather has us staying indoors for more hours of the day than normal.  I'm trying to do more arts and crafts with the boys.  I don't know if it's because they are boys but they aren't as interested in that sort of thing as I was as a child.  So one of my goals for 2010 is to set up a more organized area with more interesting supplies for them to use.  I just bought some Elmer's glue for gluing alphabet shaped pasta.  I need to get popsicle sticks, construction paper, glitter, more stickers, more stamps, watercolors, felt tip pens, wax crayons, colored pencils...any other ideas?

In order to organize all of these things and keep the area tidy and inviting, I converted our Skip Hop Toolbox diaper caddy into a art center.  It's chock full of little pots of paint, scissors, paint brushes and some stamps.  But I need more space for paper, more stickers and all the things I mentioned above.  I was thinking about two of these Fira units from IKEA.  I could leave them as-is or decoupage them with pretty paper (a trip to the paper store is in order).  Then the ole label maker will have to make an appearance and each drawer would be neatly labeled.  Ahhhhh, bliss!


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