
Hi there!  We just returned from a trip which I will share with you later.  This photo gives you an idea of where we were and for those of you who follow along on Instagram, you know already.

The vacation was great - active, fun, perfect weather. In order to take this trip, BB and DD missed a couple of days of school.  I know this is a controversial topic - missing school to go on a vacation.  I'm not asking for anyone's blessing; we can all parent the way we want to so do as you like.  In the middle of our trip, one of the boys checked their school email account and realized that a teacher had rescheduled a test for the first day he was back in school (instead of later in the week as was originally scheduled).  The next thing you know he asked to use our resort's Business Center to print some documents and prepare for the test.  My child was using the Business Center.  That's a milestone that I never really anticipated, and if I had thought about it, I would have never thought that it would come so soon.  It made me proud but also sad.  Proud that he, in the midst of some mind-blowing fun, had the drive to check-in on work.  Sad that while swimming in the resort pool, he was thinking about how to get his documents printed and when he could fit in some studying.  He was like a mini-me.

Nothing I'm writing here is bad but it just struck me on this trip and I wanted to memorialize it here.


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