White House Easter Egg Roll 2018

On the very last day of our Spring Break was the annual White House Easter Egg Roll.  We've been once before, when BB was 2 and DD was an infant.  This time, however, we were lucky enough to be invited to breakfast at the White House with the President and First Lady.  The group that gathered in the White House was small, which made it feel extra special.  BB and DD had breakfast in the Green Room, and then later in the State Dining Room.  
We all had a chance to meet the President and the First Lady and have our official photo taken!  Afterwards we joined the crowds outside to hear the President speak and kick off the Egg Roll.  The boys had some fun visiting all the various booths before we found our friends and headed off to lunch.
BB and DD do a great job in situations like this - they love to dress up for formal events like this. For those of you who have never been, the White House holds the Easter Egg Roll every year on Easter Monday.  Timed tckets are free and distributed by lottery so look out for the posting starting in mid-February to enter.


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