Halloween is Over

There is your costume reveal for this Halloween.  BB was Rat (the Rotter) from Fantastic Mr. Fox (the movie).  No, you're not familiar?  Check out the character below and compare the two.  He even had the claws.  Pretty good, right?  And DD?  He was glow-in-the dark skeleton with a hockey mask.  He was actually pretty scary looking in the dark.  All their own ideas.

Our first Halloween in the new neighborhood and it was really fun.  A lot of the houses were done up nicely and the candy is first class.  Some of the other kids had fantastic costumes so it made it very fun.  A friend had suggested we go TOTing in the neighborhood right around the school where the houses are closer together, but I'd really glad we didn't.  The rain didn't dampen a thing.
Image: Fanpop


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