They're Off!

Yesterday was the first day back for my 7th grader and 5th grader and at pickup I learned that the day was a success.  I know everyone says this but boy does time fly.  I feel as though we just moved to this house.  I remember when DD was just a kindergartner starting a new school and now it's his final year.  How babyish his face was and how he cried just a little right before we sent him into the classroom for the first time.  

The end of the day brought big smiling facts, but that's not to say there wasn't some sadness Monday at bedtime with the realization that summer was ending.  Each of them reflected on how much fun we had throughout the summer and how quickly it all goes.  I did remind them that summer isn’t the only season for adventure and fun.  That seemed to make everyone feel better.

As for me, I'm happy to see them back in school but also lament the carefree days we had this summer.  Summer camps start later in the day and both BB and DD were on the same schedule at the same camps, which makes logistics easier for me.  There was no homework or school events to worry about.  Many of their activities took a break over the summer too so our daily schedule was much easier.  Bedtimes were pushed later and later.  


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