August Has Arrived

Happy August!  It's been an eventful few weeks - a badly sprained thumb for BB (he's recovering), the end of our second summer camp, a big work event, oral surgery for BB (he did great), and a handful of other annoying issues that require attention.  I'm trying to focus on getting through all of the hassle and getting to the best part of August - our vacation!

While my poor BB is recovering from his oral surgery, I kept them home with me to make sure he had foods he could eat.  We planned a low key day of video games, drawing, listening to music, some summer work, a trip to the bookstore, and I promised some treats.  We checked out the new Baked Bear shop for DD and went to pick up BB's favorite watermelon sorbet at Coldstone.  I know Baked Bear has its loyal following but DD wasn't impressed.  The cookies and ice cream quality is only so-so.  He said he won't be back!


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