Book Frenzy

Are you a fan of vintage childrens' books?  Recently, I've gotten in the mode of ferreting out vintage books online and in book stores.  It's not always cheap but it is fun to find favorite reads from childhood.  This past Memorial Day weekend, C and I went shopping for the two birthday boys.  Our mission was to refresh their libraries with new (and old) reads.  I found a handful of terrific vintage books including Rosei's Walk by Pat Hutchins.  Anyone read this beautifully illustrated book as a child?  We supplemented our finds with a bunch of new books as well and some online ordering that hopefully will arrive by Wednesday.

A few vintage books I've got my heart set on:

* Little Hen and Sly Fox by Vivien French: the little resourceful hen wears an apron with organized pockets.  Her organized thinking helps save her from disaster!

* Benjamin Budge and Barnaby Ball:  two men end up swapping houses - a mansion for a shack.

* title? A book about an ice cream parlor owner who turns over his business to his nephew who, because of his stinginess, drives all of the customers away.


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